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City Councilor Liz Breadon, Assistant Majority Leader Rep. Mike Moran, Leaders from Allston and Brighton Endorse Michelle Wu

Released on: August 17, 2021

Boston, MA— City Councilor Liz Breadon and State House Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran joined civic and community leaders from Allston and Brighton in endorsing Michelle Wu for Mayor today, generating momentum with under four weeks until Election Day. The elected and community leaders expressed strong support of Michelle Wu for Mayor, citing her deep connection to community and ability to get things done. 

Councilor Breadon joins Councilor Lydia Edwards in endorsing Michelle Wu, making her the candidate with the most support on the Boston City Council. 

Representative Moran’s endorsement adds to Michelle’s strong support in state government. As the ninth state legislator to endorse Michelle Wu, she continues to be the candidate with the greatest support from Beacon Hill at a time when collaboration among state and city government will be even more critical. 

“I’m proud to endorse my friend Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. I’ve known Michelle for nearly a decade. She knows the issues, she is fearless, and she is a true partner in government.

“This is not a difficult decision. Michelle has been working on the issues in Allston and Brighton as our Councilor At-Large.  She has always shown up in our community when we need her to fight with us for institutional accountability, appropriate development, housing affordability and sustainability.

“Mayor Michelle will work tirelessly on behalf of Allston, Brighton and all our neighborhoods,” said Assistant Majority Leader, Representative Mike Moran. 

"At this challenging moment in Boston’s history, I am proud to endorse Michelle Wu for Mayor. Michelle’s creative and detailed plans respond to Boston’s most pressing needs: affordable housing; climate resiliency; reforming a public school system so that it serves all of our children; criminal justice reform; and addressing the continuing pandemic. Working with the people of Boston, Michelle Wu will create a more just, equitable, and inclusive city," said Councilor Liz Breadon.

“I’m honored to have the support of Councilor Breadon, Assistant Majority Leader Moran, and so many community leaders in Allston and Brighton. I love this community and treasure these partnerships built over years of working together for our brightest future. As Boston steps up to meet the moment for affordability and opportunity, we need strong collaboration across every level of government and every neighborhood,” said Michelle Wu

“Being an effective mayor of Boston requires courage, and Michelle Wu has the background from representing the entire city as a Councillor at large to understand where change is needed, the skill and insight to develop citywide support for meaningful change, and the courage to fight for that change. 

“She is one of only two candidates who see that change is needed and had  the courage to declare her candidacy before  Mayor Walsh was recruited to Washington. She is the only candidate who recognizes that the pressure of gentrification is destabilizing neighborhoods and who has the courage to say that rent control should be a tool the city can use to protect neighborhood stability, and that dramatic regionwide improvement in affordable Public transportation is essential to provide access to opportunity for all Bostonians. Among a field of talented candidates, Michelle Wu stands out, and I wholeheartedly support her to be elected Mayor of Boston,” said Fred Salvucci, former Secretary of Transportation. 

"There's a new story that needs to be told in the City of Boston. One that empowers communities and individuals to overcome adversity and achieve great things. As Bobby Kennedy so eloquently said, someone who can dream of things that never were, and say why not. This mayoral election is historic on many levels, but for me, it's historic because there is a person, I believe, who is uniquely qualified to tell that story. Her name is Michelle Wu,” said Tony D'Isidoro. 

“I am supporting Michelle Wu for mayor because she is working to ensure that Boston is accessible and sustainable for generations to come. She will do this through strong housing, environmental, education, economic and racial justice policies to strengthen our city and support its residents,” said Siobhan McHugh.

“I've supported Michelle Wu since before she was a Councilor. I support her fully and wish her the best in the race for Mayor,” said Lili Mei of the Chinese Golden Age Center.

“I believe Michelle Wu is the best person who has the ability to take boston into the future - serious issues facing us in regards to education, housing, public transportation and also bring people together to work for the common good,” Patrick Galvin, Treasurer of the Ward 22 Democratic Committee. 

These endorsements add to the Michelle for Mayor campaign’s enthusiastic coalition of multigenerational, multicultural grassroots supporters including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, State Senator Julian Cyr, Representatives Tram Nguyen, Tommy Vitolo, Natalie Higgins, Vanna Howard, Maria Robinson and Andy Vargas; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; labor unions Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit